@techreport{fdi:010023999, title = {{G}enotypic characterization of bradyrhizobia from small legumes by r{DNA} {PCR}-{RFLP} and {AFLP} fingerprint analyses}, author = {{D}oignon-{B}ourcier, {F}. and {L}aguerre, {G}. and {W}illems, {A}. and {S}y, {L}. and {D}reyfus, {B}ernard and {L}ajudie, {P}hilippe de and {G}illis, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}t the present time, the precise taxonomial status of many strains classified as #{B}radyrhizobium$ still remains unclear. {T}here is a need to develop a reliable grouping method, specifying the genetic relationships between these strains. {P}henotypic methods as auxanography or protein profiling did not prove valuable for classification of bradyrhizobia and were not in good agreement with phylogenetic data. {T}he purpose of this work is to develop a strategy to analyse the diversity of bradyrhizobia and to identify genomic groups among our collection of strains isolated from 9 small legume species in {S}enegal. #{B}. japonicum$, #{B}. elkanii$ and representatives of previously described groups by {M}oreira et al. (1993) and {D}upuy et al. (1994) were included as references. {B}acterial diversity was assessed by two different techniques, {PCR}-{RFLP} analysis of the {IGS} region between 16{S} and 23{S} r{DNA} ({IGS}) and the {AFLP} technique. {G}roupings of strains obtained by the two methodologies will be presented and compared. 16{S} r{DNA} {PCR}-{RFLP} analysis of strains representative of {IGS} clusters from small legumes was also performed. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{LEGUMINEUSE} {TROPICALE} ; {BACTERIE} ; {NODULE} {RACINAIRE} ; {FIXATION} {BIOLOGIQUE} {DE} {L}'{AZOTE} ; {ANALYSE} {GENETIQUE} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {TECHNIQUE} {RFLP} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {AFLP} ; {SENEGAL}}, address = {{N}ew {Y}ork}, publisher = {{K}luwer}, series = {}, pages = {281-289 multigr.}, year = {1999}, ISBN = {0-306-46137-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010023999}, }