@article{fdi:010022706, title = {{E}quatorial circulation in the {W}estern {P}acific (170° {E})}, author = {{M}agnier, {Y}ves and {R}otschi, {H}enri and {R}ual, {P}ierre and {C}olin, {C}hristian}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}urrent measurements taken in the equatorial zone at 170°{E} aboard the {R}.{V}. {C}oriolis reveal equatorial dynamics peculiar to the western {P}acific. {T}he west equatorial surface current has several speed cores on either side of the equator; the equatorial undercurrent has one speed core at 100 m and another at 200m; the {N}orth {E}quatorial {C}ountercurrent is connected with the equatorial indercurrent, which has two deep extensions on either side of the equator; beneath the equatorial undercurrent lies a weak west current which appears to reach a depth below 1000m. {T}he flows of these currents are very variable : the equatorial undercurrent may double its flow in 20 days. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{COURANTOMETRIE} ; {CIRCULATION} {OCEANIQUE} ; {MASSE} {D}'{EAU} ; {COURANT} {EQUATORIAL} ; {COURANT} {PROFOND} ; {CONTRECOURANT} ; {MESURE} ; {PROFIL} ; {FLUX} {HYDROLOGIQUE} ; {ANOMALIE} {THERMOSTERIQUE} ; {COMPOSANTES} {D}'{UN} {COURANT} ; {PACIFIQUE} {TROPICAL} {OUEST} ; 170°{E}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}rogress in {O}ceanography}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {29--46}, year = {1973}, DOI = {10.1016/0079-6611(73)90004-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010022706}, }