@inproceedings{fdi:010021787, title = {{N}utrition situation in {B}razzaville ({C}ongo) has worsened over the last ten years : poster}, author = {{M}artin-{P}r{\'e}vel, {Y}ves and {T}raissac, {P}ierre and {M}assamba, {J}.{P}. and {G}arnier, {D}. and {A}doua-{O}yila, {G}.{M}. and {D}elpeuch, {F}rancis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n 1986, 1991 and 1996, three anthropometric cross-sectional surveys were carried out in {B}razzaville, the capital city of the {C}ongo, on the representative samples of children less than 6 y. old (n = 2,265, 2,345 and 2,000, respectively) and their mothers. {I}n addition all other members of the households were also investigated in 1991 and 1996. {C}omparisons between years were adjusted for age, district and, when necessary, sex. {P}revalence of wasting (weight-for-height is less than -2 z-scores) among children showed a significant increase over the three surveys (2.9%, 3.9%, 4.6% - {OR} 96 vs 86 = 1.72, p = 0.001). {T}he prevalence of low {B}ody {M}ass {I}ndex ({BMI} is less than 18.5 {K}g/m2) among mothers also significantly increased (8.4%, 10.5%, 14.2% - {OR} 96 vs 86 = 1.89, p is less than 0.001). {P}aradoxically the proportion of stunted children (height-for-age is less than -2 z-scores) first decreased from 1986 to 1991 (13.4% to 10.7% - {OR} 91 vs 86 = 0.73, p is less than 0.001). {T}hese results reflect a global deterioration of the nutritional situation. {M}oreover, similar trends among the other household members were observed from 1991 to 1996 ; increase of low {BMI} prevalence among adults (women, {OR} = 1.42, p is less than 0.001 ; men, {OR} = 1,49, p = 0.001) ; increase of low {BMI} for age among adolescents, especially males ({OR} = 1.75, p is less than 0.001), increase of stunting in school children (9.6% to 14.5% - {OR} = 1.54, p. is less than 0.01). ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SURVEILLANCE} {NUTRITIONNELLE} ; {ENFANT} ; {ADULTE} ; {INDICATEUR} {NUTRITIONNEL} ; {DEFICIENCE} ; {PREVALENCE} ; {VARIATION} {INTERANNUELLE} ; {ENQUETE} {NUTRITIONNELLE} ; {BMI}.{BODY} {MASS} {INDEX} ; {CONGO} ; {BRAZZAVILLE}}, numero = {}, pages = {1}, booktitle = {{I}nternational congress of nutrition}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010021787}, }