@inproceedings{fdi:010021785, title = {{D}elay between immune and nutritional recovery, implications for treatment and discharge of malnourished children : poster}, author = {{C}hevalier, {P}hilippe and {S}evilla, {R}. and {Z}alles, {L}. and {S}ejas, {E}. and {B}elmonte, {G}. and {P}arent, {G}{\'e}rard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}alnourished children from low income families were hospitalized for a 2-month period in the immune and {N}utritional {R}ehabilitation {C}entre ({CRIN}) in {C}ochabamba ({B}olivia). {T}hey received a special diet adapted to the form of malnutrition. {N}utritional status was determined by daily clinical examination and weekly anthropometrical measurements. {I}mmune status was assessed by weekly ultrasonography of the left lobe of the thymus and monthly determination of {T} lymphocytes subpopulations. {T}he 2-month longitudinal study showed that normal anthropometric values for discharge (-1 {SD} of the {NCHS} weight for height) were resumed after one month of rehabilitation whereas two months were required for a complete immunologic recovery (350 mm2 of thymic area). {M}alnourished children belong to disadvantaged population groups with high exposure to disease. {I}n such an environment, a discharge based only on anthropometric criteria could explain frequent relapses, because the immune recovery took a longer time than nutritional recovery and the children were still immune-depressed. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MALNUTRITION} {PROTEINOENERGETIQUE} ; {IMMUNOLOGIE} ; {POPULATION} {RURALE} ; {ENFANT} ; {TRAITEMENT} {MEDICAL} ; {DIETETIQUE} ; {REHABILITATION} {NUTRITIONNELLE} ; {ANTHROPOMETRIE} {NUTRITIONNELLE} ; {APPORT} {NUTRITIONNEL} ; {ETUDE} {REGIONALE} ; {REHABILITATION} {IMMUNITAIRE} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {COCHABAMBA}}, numero = {}, pages = {1}, booktitle = {{I}nternational congress of nutrition}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010021785}, }