@article{fdi:010020562, title = {{R}econstruction of climatic changes during the late {P}leistocene, based on sediment records from the {K}onya basin ({C}entral {A}natolia, {T}urkey)}, author = {{K}uzucuoglu, {C}. and {B}ertaux, {J}acques and {B}lack, {S}. and {D}enefle, {M}. and {F}ontugne, {M}. and {K}arabiyikoglu, {M}. and {K}ashima, {K}. and {L}imondin-{L}ozouet, {N}. and {M}ouralis, {D}. and {O}rth, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}limatic changes during the last climatic cycle have been studied using three sediment cores from the {K}onya plain, a now dry, closed and semi-arid lacustrine basin at 1000 m altitude in central {A}natolia, {T}urkey. {T}he reconstruction of regional climatic characteristics and evolution is based on mineral, diatom, pollen and molluscan content of sediments. {C}orrelations are made between cores using 14{C} and {U}-{T}h ages, stratigraphy and drought levels shown by changes in mineral contents. {E}nvironmental responses to local and regional climatic changes are traced by trends in authigenic carbonates, evaporites, detrital mineral content and by diatom-inferred salinity levels. {O}ur data have shown that, during the period covering the end of the previous {G}lacial ({T}ermination {II})and the last {I}nterglacial (between c. 150 and 117 ka), peat and freshwater shallow lakes expanded. {F}rom 117 to 66 ka, the plain was occupied by lakes, the salinity and existence of which varied in time and space. {S}pecific events are marked by mineralogic and stratigraphic signals at (i) c. 101 ka and (ii) 66 ka. {F}rom 66 ka to 30 ka, desiccation of the lake is marked by a hiatus. {A}t c. 27 ka, milder climtic conditions led to the extension of freshwater marshes and lakes in the central depressions while palaeosols developed on the emerged parts of the plain. {F}rom 25 to 20.5 ka 14{C} cal., the sediments of a freshwater to brackish lake are present in one core only. {F}rom 20.5 14{C} cal. onwards, strong evaporitic conditions occurred, the lake edges being transformed into playas. {U}pper parts of the sequences registered other lacustrine short phases, both before the {Y}ounger {D}ryas and during the {H}olocene. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALEOCLIMAT} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {SEDIMENTATION} {LACUSTRE} ; {MINERAL} ; {PALYNOLOGIE} ; {DIATOMEE} ; {STRATIGRAPHIE} ; {CARBONATE} ; {EVAPORITE} ; {DATATION} ; {PALEOENVIRONNEMENT} ; {PLEISTOCENE} ; {TURQUIE} ; {ANATOLIE} {CENTRALE} ; {KONYA} {PLAINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eological {J}ournal}, volume = {34}, numero = {}, pages = {175--198}, ISSN = {0072-1050}, year = {1999}, DOI = {10.1002/({SICI})1099-1034(199901/06)34:1/2<175::{AID}-{GJ}820>3.0.{CO};2-{M}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010020562}, }