@inproceedings{fdi:010020350, title = {{E}ffect of eggs incubation technique on hatching rate, hatching kinetic and survival of larvae in the {A}sian catfish {P}angasius hypophthalmus ({S}iluriformes, {P}angasiidae)}, author = {{K}ristanto, {A}.{H}. and {S}ubagja, {J}. and {S}lembrouck, {J}acques and {L}egendre, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he influence of an incubation system on embryo development and subsequent survival of larvae was evaluated on eggs from two #{P}. hypophthalmus$ females. {A}ll tests were performed at a same temperature of 28.5-29°{C}, given by the water of a re-circulating system to which all incubation devices were connected. {T}he following situations were tested : 1) {H}appa (adhesive eggs) ; 2) floating screen net (adhesive eggs) ; 3) {M}c{D}onald type incubator (stickiness of eggs being suppressed with a clay suspension) ; 4) plastic basket with water from the re-circulating system (stickiness of eggs being suppressed with a clay suspension) ; 5) plastic basket with water from the re-circulating system (adhesive eggs) ; 6) plastic basket with mineral water (adhesive eggs). {N}o significant difference was found in hatching rates whatever the conditions of egg incubation. {T}he development time and hatching kinetic were very similar in all systems ; at 28.5-29.5°{C}, the first hatched larvae were observed between 19 and 21h post-fertilisation and the duration of the hatching period lasted 6 to 8 h. {H}owever, hatching tended to occur slightly earlier in the {M}c{D}onald type incubator, probably as a consequence of mechanical agitation of eggs. {U}p to the age of 4 days, no significant difference was found in the survival of larvae as a function of the type of incubator from which they were issued. {A}ll together, the results indicate that, when properly managed, the incubation methods can hardly be responsible for the variability of hatching rates or survival of larvae often observed in different reproduction trials or from farm to farm. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{POISSON} {D}'{EAU} {DOUCE} ; {PISCICULTURE} ; {METHODE} {D}'{ELEVAGE} ; {OEUF} ; {TEMPERATURE} ; {ECLOSION} ; {LARVE} ; {TAUX} {DE} {SURVIE} ; {APPAREILLAGE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {INCUBATION}}, numero = {}, pages = {107--111}, booktitle = {{T}he biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in {S}outh-{E}ast {A}sia : proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "{C}atfish {A}sia project"}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010020350}, }