@inproceedings{fdi:010020341, title = {{T}he "{C}atfish {A}sia" project : backgrounds, aims and prospects}, author = {{L}egendre, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}atfishes, and in particular #{C}lariidae$ and #{P}angasiidae$, are important aquatic resources in {A}sia, where their culture represented an annual production of about 124,000 t in 1993. {I}n the clariids, this production results mostly from the use of {F}1 hybrids between the introduced {A}frican catfish (#{C}laris gariepinus$) and various local clariid species. {I}n the pangasiids, various culturing techniques were empirically developed for some native species, whose juveniles are most often captured in the wild. {F}urther development of this catfish culture industry faces serious problems related to the poorly known systematic of these fish groups, the scarce knowledge of the biology and aquaculture potential of autochthonous species, the limitation of seed supply and the declining performances reported in some cultivated stocks. {I}n this context, the "{C}atfish {A}sia" project which deals with the two catfish families, #{C}lariidae$ and #{P}angasiidae$, has the main following goals : to acquire a stronger knowledge of the biological diversity of {SE} {A}sian catfishes and to enhance its utilisation through a correct identification and characterisation of valuable species, populations and strains of aquaculture interest. {T}his approach represents an important precondition to the sustainable management of cultivated and natural stocks and to guide conservation efforts of these economically important resources. {I}t will also contribute to a better knowledge of their phylogeographic relationships ; to acquire sound biological bases for the development of catfish culture in the {SE} {A}sian region. {T}he evaluation of the aquaculture potential of the autochthonous species (diversification) and the optimisation of their rearing cycle (artificial propagation) through technologies adapted to the local conditions are essential elements for a better production in the future... ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{POISSON} {D}'{EAU} {DOUCE} ; {AQUACULTURE} ; {PISCICULTURE} ; {ESPECE} {COMMERCIALE} ; {BIODIVERSITE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {DIVERSITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {TAXONOMIE} ; {PHYLOGENIE} ; {ZOOGEOGRAPHIE} ; {METHODE} {D}'{ELEVAGE} ; {REPRODUCTION} ; {NUTRITION} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {DURABLE} ; {METHODOLOGIE} ; {PROJET} {DE} {DEVELOPPEMENT} ; {ASIE} {DU} {SUD} {EST}}, numero = {}, pages = {7--14}, booktitle = {{T}he biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in {S}outh-{E}ast {A}sia : proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "{C}atfish {A}sia project"}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010020341}, }