@inproceedings{fdi:010020072, title = {{S}tructure interne du piton de la {F}ournaise et de l'{E}tna d'apr{\`e}s la tomographie sismique}, author = {{H}irn, {A}. and {L}{\'e}pine, {J}.{C}. and {S}apin, {M}. and {L}aigle, {M}. and {N}icolich, {R}. and {G}allart, {J}. and {L}ankar, {V}. and {N}ercessian, {A}. and {V}oogd, {B}. de and {C}harvis, {P}hilippe and {V}einante, {J}.{L}. and {V}erhille, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{S}eismic approaches reveal the lithospheric structure and geodynamic contexts of {P}iton de la {F}ournaise and {E}tna. {A} set of tomographic experiments constrains their internal structures with a resolution providing insight into edifice evolution and eruptive behavior. {T}he hotspot context of {L}a {R}{\'e}union island thus appears to differ from the {H}awaiian one by a reduced plate flexure, large proportion of low velocity-density in the edifice, crustal underplating under the presently active part, which may be seen as the level of transposition from primary melts into the more tholeitic products erupted. {S}tructural heterogeneities of the preexisting plate are documented which may control magmatism in addition to slow plate/hotspot motion. {T}wo completely different tomographies establish a high-velocity central core under the active volcano summit area which contrasts with the surroundings interpreted as eruptives or transported material and rises from the top of the oceanic plate. {A}nother distinct high-velocity body to the {E}ast, which top has been drilled, is imaged to be rooted in the plate. {S}o-called rift-zones of the active volcano are not marked by velocity anomalies, hence do not appear to be magmatic. {H}igh resolution location of earthquakes, heterogeneity in {V}p/{V}s and magnitude-number evolution can be correlated for the preeruptive magma migration to the most recent eruption. {M}t {E}tna is not in a simple geodynamic context typical for volcanism. {M}arine reflection seismics reveal extension of crustal scale, which has succeeded to the compression related to the subduction at the {C}alabro-{S}icilian arc. {I}t is interpreted as marking a change in slab coupling, with which the development of {E}tna appears coeval... ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{VOLCAN} ; {STRUCTURE} ; {TOMOGRAPHIE} ; {ONDE} {SISMIQUE} ; {SISMIQUE} {A} {REFLEXION} ; {GEODYNAMIQUE} ; {MAGMA} ; {ETUDE} {REGIONALE} ; {ERUPTION} {VOLCANIQUE} ; {REUNION} ; {ETNA} {VOLCAN} ; {PITON} {DE} {LA} {FOURNAISE} {VOLCAN}}, numero = {}, pages = {129--136}, booktitle = {{R}apport quadriennal 1995-1998}, year = {1999}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010020072}, }