@techreport{fdi:010019397, title = {{R}apport scientifique : campagne {SEAPSO} : leg 3 : m{\'e}canisme de l'accr{\'e}tion oc{\'e}anique et reconnaissance r{\'e}gionale de l'activit{\'e} hydrothermale dans le {B}assin {N}ord-{F}idjien : campagne du navire {J}ean {C}harcot dans le {P}acifique {S}ud-{O}uest, octobre 1985-janvier 1986}, author = {{A}uzende, {J}.{M}. and {E}issen, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {C}aprais, {M}.{P}. and {C}hopin, {J}.{P}. and {G}ente, {P}. and {G}ueneley, {S}. and {H}armegnies, {F}. and {L}agabrielle, {Y}. and {L}apouille, {A}ndr{\'e} and {L}ef{\`e}vre, {C}. and {M}aillet, {P}atrick and {M}aze, {J}.{P}. and {O}ndreas, {H}. and {S}chaaf, {A}. and {S}ingh, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{CAMPAGNE} {OCEANOGRAPHIQUE} ; {ACCRETION} ; {SUBDUCTION} ; {CONVERGENCE} ; {BASSIN} {OCEANIQUE} ; {ARC} {INSULAIRE} ; {CONTRAINTE} ; {EXTENSION} {TECTONIQUE} ; {ETUDE} {REGIONALE} ; {HYDROTHERMALISME} ; {PACIFIQUE} {SUD} {OUEST} ; {FIDJI} {BASSIN}}, address = {{N}oum{\'e}a}, publisher = {{ORSTOM}}, series = {}, pages = {101 multigr.}, year = {1986}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010019397}, }