@inproceedings{fdi:010018040, title = {{E}tude randomis{\'e}e en double aveugle de l'efficacit{\'e} relative de l'innocuit{\'e} d'un vaccin acellulaire contre la coqueluche compar{\'e}e {\`a} un vaccin {\`a} germes entiers en milieu rural au {S}{\'e}n{\'e}gal ({N}iakhar)}, author = {{S}imondon, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {P}r{\'e}ziosi, {M}arie-{P}ierre and {Y}am, {A}bdoulaye and {C}habirand, {L}aurence and {T}our{\'e} {K}ane, {N}.{C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{MALADIE} ; {LUTTE} ; {VACCINATION} ; {EFFICACITE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {MILIEU} {RURAL} ; {COQUELUCHE} ; {VACCIN} {ACELLULAIRE} ; {VACCIN} {A} {GERME} {ENTIER} ; {ETUDE} {RANDOMISEE} {EN} {DOUBLE} {AVEUGLE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {SINE} {SALOUM} ; {FATICK} {REGION} ; {NIAKHAR}}, numero = {}, pages = {298--300}, booktitle = {{Q}uatri{\`e}me s{\'e}minaire international sur les vaccinations en {A}frique : actes = {F}ourth international seminar on immunization in {A}frica : proceedings}, year = {1994}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010018040}, }