@incollection{fdi:010017928, title = {{M}odes of climatic variability in the tropical {A}tlantic}, author = {{S}ervain, {J}acques and {W}ainer, {I}. and {D}essier, {A}lain and {M}c{C}reary, {J}.{P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean exhibits two primary modes of interannual climate variability : an "equatorial mode" analogous to, but weaker than, the {P}acific {E}l {N}ino phenomenon, and a "dipole" mode that does not have a {P}acific counterpart. {T}he equatorial mode is responsible for warm (and cold) sea surface temperature ({SST}) events in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea, and is identifiable with changes in the equatorial thermocline slope resulting from zonal-wind anomalies in the western tropical {A}tlantic. {T}he dipole mode is characterised by {SST} anomalies of opposite sign on either side of the mean position of the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one ({ITCZ}). {T}o date, the dipole mode has been detected in the ocean only from {SST}. {H}ere it is shown, using surface and subsurface oceanic temperatures obtained from observations as well as from a numerical solution, that the dipole mode is linked to changes in the equatorial thermocline slope occurring at interannual time scales. {T}hus, the two main interannual climatic modes appear to be dynamically linked in this frequency band. {F}uthermore, the dominant pattern of variability in both modes involves {N}orth-{S}outh displacements of the {ITCZ}, as in the annual response. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{CLIMATOLOGIE} ; {INTERACTION} {OCEAN} {ATMOSPHERE} ; {VARIATION} {INTERANNUELLE} ; {TEMPERATURE} {DE} {SURFACE} ; {VENT} ; {ANOMALIE} ; {ZONE} {DE} {CONVERGENCE} {INTERTROPICALE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {TROPICAL}}, booktitle = {{W}ater resources variability in {A}frica during the 20th century = {V}ariabilit{\'e} des ressources en eau en {A}frique au 20{\`e}me si{\`e}cle}, numero = {252}, pages = {45--54}, address = {{W}allingford}, publisher = {{AISH}}, series = {{P}ublication - {AISH}}, year = {1998}, ISBN = {1-901502-65-1}, ISSN = {0144-7815}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010017928}, }