@inproceedings{fdi:010017894, title = {{I}ncome uncertainties management by the {J}ava purse seiners' fishermen}, author = {{R}och, {J}ean and {C}lignet, {R}{\'e}mi}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he paper seeks to assess the various determinants of the income earned by individual fishermen. {T}he first challenge is to evaluate both the risks that collective and personal fishing activities represent, i.e., their variability over time and to ascertain the limits within which fishermen behave as if the two risks are complementary or mutually exclusive. {T}he second challenge is to identify the patterns of social segmentation that account for differences in the three incomes derived from personal fishing, from the sharing system and from the various incentives earned by individual sailors. {T}hese differences reflect the differential organisation of boat owners, the local labour markets and the strategies of individual skippers. {T}hey also reflect the social origin of sailors, their formal schooling and their occupational history, including their current skill level. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PECHEUR} ; {SENNEUR} ; {REPARTITION} {DES} {REVENUS} ; {PECHE} {ARTISANALE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {SOCIAL} ; {STRATIFICATION} {SOCIALE} ; {NIVEAU} {D}'{INSTRUCTION} ; {QUALIFICATION} {PROFESSIONNELLE} ; {GESTION} {DU} {RISQUE} ; {STRATEGIE} {INDIVIDUELLE} ; {JAWA} ; {MER} {DE} {JAWA}}, numero = {}, pages = {99--110}, booktitle = {{S}osekima : proceedings of socio-economics, innovation and management of the {J}ava sea pelagic fisheries}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010017894}, }