@article{fdi:010017764, title = {{L}ate {H}olocene phytolith and carbon-isotope record from a latosol at {S}alitre, {S}outh-{C}entral {B}razil}, author = {{A}lexandre, {A}. and {M}eunier, {J}.{D}. and {M}ariotti, {A}. and {S}oubi{\`e}s, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he reliability of paleovegetation records inferred from soil phytolith assemblages and {SOM} (soil organic matter) carbon isotope analysis was examined in light of previous pollen and charcoal reconstructions. {T}he sampled latosol is located in {S}outh-{C}entral {B}razil ({S}alitre), at a boundary between forest and cerrado. {T}he derived mean age of phytoliths and {SOM} at each level is the result of a balance between continuous translocation and selective dissolution. {I}t increases with depth in a regular, quantifiable fashion that allows paleoenvironmental interpretation. {P}hytoliths and {SOM} tracers first record a savanna phase, assoicated with the last {H}olocene long dry period occurring between ca. 5500 and 4500 yr {B}.{P}. {T}wo periods of tree community development followed, between ca. 4000 and 3000 and after ca. 970 yr. {B}.{P}., leading to the present cerrado/forest association. {T}he dry spell interrupted this trend about 970 + or - 60 yr. {B}.{P}. {T}he second development of woody elements was contemporaneous with an increase in anthropogenic fires. {T}herefore, climate was more important than fires and human activities in constraining the growth of vegetaion during the last nine centuries at {S}alitre. {M}ore generally, despite pedogenic processes, soil pytholiths and delta(exp 13) {C} values of the {SOM} may be accurate tracers of vegetation changes. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALEOSOL} ; {PALEOENVIRONNEMENT} ; {MATIERE} {ORGANIQUE} ; {CHARBON} ; {CARBONE} ; {ANALYSE} {ISOTOPIQUE} ; {CONTACT} {FORET} {SAVANE} ; {VEGETATION} ; {VARIATION} {SECULAIRE} ; {HOLOCENE} ; {PHYTOLITHE} ; {BRESIL} {SUDESTE} ; {MINAS} {GERAIS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {R}esearch}, volume = {51}, numero = {}, pages = {187--194}, ISSN = {0033-5894}, year = {1999}, DOI = {10.1006/qres.1998.2027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010017764}, }