@incollection{fdi:010017347, title = {{E}ntre ville et communaut{\'e} : {R}ehoboth ({N}amibie) ou le dilemme de l'ouverture et de l'identit{\'e}}, author = {{P}iermay, {J}.{L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{R}ehoboth ({N}amibia) is the town of a half-caste group, named the {B}asters. {U}ntil now, they have kept a strong identity, even strengthened by the apartheid rule. {T}he future of {R}ehoboth and the words to describe this future are now debated, with the purpose of managing the town. {T}he {B}asters themselves, divided between the reproduction of their identity and an old practice of outside contacts, shared also between their town, their farms and the captial city of {N}amibia, are divided and have to invent new ways of living together. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{IDENTITE} {CULTURELLE} ; {EXCLUSION} {SOCIALE} ; {SOCIETE} {URBAINE} ; {HISTOIRE} {COLONIALE} ; {GROUPE} {ETHNIQUE} ; {APARTHEID} ; {CRISE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {FONCIER} {URBAIN} ; {SECTEUR} {PRIVE} ; {ETHNICISATION} ; {AFRIQUE} {AUSTRALE} ; {NAMIBIE} ; {REHOBOTH}}, booktitle = {{L}e voyage inachev{\'e}... {\`a} {J}o{\¨e}l {B}onnemaison}, numero = {}, pages = {393--400}, address = {{P}aris ({FRA}) ; {P}aris}, publisher = {{ORSTOM} ; {PRODIG}}, series = {}, year = {1998}, ISBN = {2-7099-1424-7;2-2901560-35-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010017347}, }