@incollection{fdi:010017336, title = {{C}hefferie, leadership et communaut{\'e}s territoriales aux {\^i}les de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e}}, author = {{R}obineau, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{F}or a long time it was thought that {M}elanesian cultures were very different from {P}olynesian cultures and that no comparison was possible between these two parts of the {P}acific {O}cean. {N}ow the belief in a cultural unity has emerged and comparative studies will be able to enlighten some obscure points of social structure. {H}ere, {P}olynesian chiefdom and community have been examined according to some {M}elanesian sociological concepts. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ILE} ; {CHEFFERIE} ; {ANTAGONISME} ; {ORGANISATION} {DE} {L}'{ESPACE} ; {HIERARCHIE} ; {SYSTEME} {DE} {REPRESENTATIONS} ; {ORGANISATION} {SOCIALE} ; {PARENTE} ; {DIVISION} {ADMINISTRATIVE} ; {COMMUNAUTE} {VILLAGEOISE} ; {INSTITUTION} {POLITIQUE} ; {SOCIETE} {ILES} ; {TAHITI} ; {RAIATEA} ; {HUAHINE} ; {MOOREA}}, booktitle = {{L}e voyage inachev{\'e}... {\`a} {J}o{\¨e}l {B}onnemaison}, numero = {}, pages = {319--322}, address = {{P}aris ({FRA}) ; {P}aris}, publisher = {{ORSTOM} ; {PRODIG}}, series = {}, year = {1998}, ISBN = {2-7099-1424-7;2-2901560-35-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010017336}, }