@inproceedings{fdi:010016041, title = {{C}ontrol of the pink borer, {S}esamia cretica {L}ed. ({L}epidoptera : {N}octuidae) in maize field using a granulosis virus in {E}gypt}, author = {{M}oyal, {P}ascal and {F}{\'e}di{\`e}re, {G}illes and {S}emeada, {A}.{M}. and {E}l-{S}heikh, {M}.{A}.{K}. and {E}l-{S}herif, {S}. and {A}bol-{E}la, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he pink borer, #{S}esamia cretica$ {L}ederer (#{L}epidoptera$ : #{N}octuidae$), is a main pest of maize in {E}gypt. {A}ttacks by #{S}. cretica$ are usually high on early plantations of {A}pril, when the first generation of adults emerge after a period of larval hibernation. {T}he present study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of the granulosis virus of #{S}. cretica$, recently isolated by {F}ediere et al. (1993) as a microbiological agent. {A} field experiment was conducted in 1997 at {S}akha {A}gricultural {R}esearch {S}tation, {K}afr {E}l-{S}heikh governorate, {N}orth of the {N}ile delta, where heavy natural infestation by #{S}. cretica$ is of frequent occurrence on early plantations. {T}he experimental design was randomized blocks with seven replications and five treatments. {T}reatments were control ({T}1), the currently recommended chemical insecticide (methomyl, 640 g active ingredient per hectare) (two sprayings, three and five weeks after sowing) ({T}2), and three treatments with highly purified suspensions of virus in water at three different doses (two sprayings, three and five weeks after sowing). {T}he lowest dose of the virus insecticide ({T}3) was 60 g of granules per hectare (i.e. 7.4 x 10 to the 15th power {I}.{B}./ha). {T}he other doses were double this dose ({T}4) and five times this dose ({T}5). {M}olasses was added to the virus suspension at a rate of 10% as a sticker and a feeding stimulant. {S}amples of 20 plants per plot were taken every week for four successive weeks from the day of the first treatment. {P}opulation density in the control was close to one borer per stem during the first three weeks and decreased to 0.2 borer per stem during the fourth week. {C}omparison between tested treatments using analysis of variance and {N}ewman-{K}euls test showed that the viral suspensions had an efficiency not different from that of methomyl, and that populations were significantly reduced in the sprayed plots in comparison with the control (about 70% reduction)... ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{INSECTE} {NUISIBLE} ; {LUTTE} {BIOLOGIQUE} ; {VIRUS} ; {PURIFICATION} ; {INFESTATION} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {EGYPTE}}, numero = {}, pages = {12 multigr.}, booktitle = {{E}uropean meeting in the {IOBC}/{WPRS} working group "insect pathogens and insect parasites nematodes" special theme "microbial control of pests in sustainable agriculture"}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010016041}, }