@article{fdi:010015603, title = {{S}tomatal control of transpiration : examination of {M}onteith's formulation of canopy resistance}, author = {{L}homme, {J}ean-{P}aul and {E}lguero, {E}ric and {C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani and {B}oulet, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he stomatal response to air humidity has been recently reinterpreted in the sense that stomata seem to respond to the rate of transpiration rather to air humidity per se. {M}onteith suggested that the relation between canopy stomatal resistance r(s) and canopy transpiration {E} can be written as r(s)/r(sn) = 1/(1-{E}/{E}(x)), where r(sn) is a notional minimum canopy resistance, obtained by extrapolation to zero transpiration, and {E}(x) is a notional maximum transpiration rate, obtained by extrapolation to infinite resistance. {T}he exact significance and possible values of these parameters have not been specified yet. {I}n this study we show that this apparently new relation can be inferred from the common {J}arvis-type models, in which canopy stomatal resistance is expressed in the form of a minimal resistance multiplied by a product of independent stress functions (each one representing the influence of one factor). {T}his is made possible by replacing leaf water potential in the corresponding stress function by its dependence on transpiration and soil water potential. {T}he matching of the two formulations ({M}onteith and {J}arvis) allows one to express the two parameters r(sn) and {E}(x) in terms of the functions and parameters making up the {J}arvis-type models ; r(sn) appears to depend upon solar radiation and soil water potential : it represents the canopy stomatal resistance when the leaf water potential is equal to the soil water potential, all other conditions being equal. {E}(x) depends upon soil water potential and represents the maximum flux of water which can be extracted from the soil by the canopy. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{BIOCLIMATOLOGIE} ; {COUVERT} {VEGETAL} ; {TRANSPIRATION} ; {HUMIDITE} {DE} {L}'{AIR} ; {MODELISATION} ; {MODELE} {MATHEMATIQUE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {STOMATE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater {R}esources {R}esearch}, volume = {34}, numero = {9}, pages = {2301--2308}, ISSN = {0043-1397}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010015603}, }