@article{fdi:010015239, title = {{O}n-line monitoring of citric acid production in solid-state culture by respirometry}, author = {{P}intado, {J}. and {L}onsane, {B}.{K}. and {G}aime {P}erraud, {I}sabelle and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of this work was to study the possibility of monitoring citric acid production from mussel processing wastes ({MPW}) by #{A}spergillus niger$ in solid-state culture ({SSC}) on an inert support. {T}his was conducted by measuring {CO}2 and {O}2 concentration in exhaust gases, using an automatic sampler connected to a gas chromatograph and a data acquisition system. {T}he procedure permitted information on the physiological state of the culture to be obtained. {A} relationship between citric acid accumulation and a decrease in {CO}2 production was found, allowing citric acid production to be followed in real-time. {M}oreover, respiratory activity can be estimated and the effect of different variables on this parameter studied. {I}nitial nitrogen concentration, a critical factor for achieving high production of citric acid from {MPW} in submerged culture, revealed no effect in {SSC}. {T}his indicates a tolerance of {SSC} to higher concentrations of nitrogen constituting an advantage when using residual media with high levels of protein and variability in their composition. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{FERMENTATION} {EN} {MILIEU} {SOLIDE} ; {DECHET} {AGROINDUSTRIEL} ; {AEROBIOSE} ; {CHAMPIGNON} ; {METABOLISME} ; {MILIEU} {DE} {CULTURE} ; {GAZ} {CARBONIQUE} ; {OXYGENE} ; {RESPIROMETRIE} ; {RAPPORT} {C}/{N} ; {ACIDE} {CITRIQUE} ; {EFFLUENT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}rocess {B}iochemistry}, volume = {33}, numero = {5}, pages = {513--518}, ISSN = {0032-9592}, year = {1998}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}0032-9592(98)80060-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010015239}, }