@incollection{fdi:010014903, title = {{P}eri-urban farming systems and food processing in the {C}ongo}, author = {{B}rochier, {J}. and {B}oukambou, {G}. and {L}egros, {O}. and {T}r{\`e}che, {S}erge}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{AGRICONGO} ({I}nstitut de recherche et d'appui pour le d{\'e}veloppement agricole en zones tropicales) developed a project entitled new farming systems ({NFS}). {T}his project is intended to implement peri-urban agriculture for city dwellers who want to go into small farm businesses. {B}ecause the {C}ongo is importing a large part of its food, the project's first goal was to identify products for development. {A} basic project assumption was that the best way to reduce these imports was to modernize traditional foods. {T}here was also a need to develop appropriate technologies in agronomy and food science. {W}ork was done to design both a 1.5 ha {NFS} farm and integrated food processing facility. {F}arming techniques were tested at the research station level and the study included socioeconomic issues and farmer-level implementation of product marketing and commercialization. {T}his report presents preliminary findings from 20 pilot {NFS} farms that were tested near {B}razzaville. {F}ood processing lines and their management are also described. {P}rocessed products made available to urban markets through the project were chikwangue (cassava bread) and cassava-based mixed flour for infant food. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{EXPLOITATION} {AGRICOLE} ; {PRODUIT} {AGRICOLE} ; {TRANSFORMATION} {DE} {PRODUITS} ; {AGRICULTURE} {EN} {VILLE} ; {MIGRATION} {RURALE} ; {TECHNOLOGIE} {ALIMENTAIRE} {TRADITIONNELLE} ; {RECHERCHE} {AGRONOMIQUE} ; {MARCHE} ; {COMMERCIALISATION} ; {PRODUIT} {ALIMENTAIRE} ; {EMPLOI} ; {PROJET} {DE} {DEVELOPPEMENT} ; {ONG} ; {RACINE} ; {MANIOC} ; {TUBERCULE} {ALIMENTAIRE} ; {ZONE} {PERIURBAINE} ; {CONGO}}, booktitle = {{P}roduct development for root and tuber crops : 3. {A}frica}, numero = {}, pages = {465--469}, address = {{L}ima}, publisher = {{I}nternational {P}otato {C}enter}, series = {}, year = {1992}, ISBN = {92-9060-163-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010014903}, }