@inproceedings{fdi:010013194, title = {{F}ruity aromas production in solid state fermentation by the fungus {C}eratocystis fimbriata}, author = {{C}hristen, {P}ierre and {R}evah, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}olid state fermentation ({SSF}) has been studied for enzymes, antibiotics, alcohol production or for protein enrichment, but few papers report the production of aromas by such a process. {I}n this work, the study of the production of fruity aromas in {SSF} by the fungus #{C}eratocystis fimbriata$ is presented, with special interest in the nature of the support/substrate, the importance of added precursors in the medium and the aeration. {T}he aromas were characterised by "sniffing" technique an {GC} headspace analysis ; growth was followed by respirometry. {I}t was shown that wheat bran, cassava and sugarcane bagasse were adequate supports for growth and a detectable aroma production. {A}mong the nutritive media tested, the synthetic medium previously defined, used with a higher glucose concentration (200 g/l) gave a strong apple aroma while those containing aminoacids precursors such as leucine and valine gave strong banana aroma. {I}t was found that the aroma production was growth dependent and the maximum aroma intensity was detected a few hours before or after the maximum respirometric activity, this varying between 0.8 and 1.6 ml {CO}2/h. g dry matter, after 24 hours. {E}xperiments made under various aeration rates (0.05 and 0.005 ml/h. g dry matter) showed that this parameter was not limiting for growth even if the exit gas was very poor in oxygen at the lower aeration rate giving in this case the most intense aroma. {F}or experiments made without forced aeration, the same aromas were also found with higher intensity. {F}ourteen compounds have been separated by {GC} headspace and 11 of them such as acetaldehyde, ethanol, ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and isoamyl alcohol were identified. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{FERMENTATION} {EN} {MILIEU} {SOLIDE} ; {MICROORGANISME} ; {BIOMASSE} ; {PRODUCTION} {INDUSTRIELLE} ; {MANIOC} ; {BLE} ; {BAGASSE} ; {AROME} {DE} {BANANE} ; {AROME} {DE} {POMME} ; {AROME} {DE} {POIRE}}, numero = {98-1}, pages = {43--50 multigr.}, booktitle = {{I}nternational training course on solid state fermentation}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010013194}, }