@inproceedings{fdi:010012923, title = {{A}nalisis de las caracteristicas de las precipitaciones de 1992 a 1995 en {S}an {M}iguel {T}laixpan ({T}excoco, {M}exico)}, author = {{P}rat, {C}hristian}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{I}n the {UE}-{ORSTOM}-{CP}-{UAT}-{UG} research program about rehabilitation of {M}exican tepetates, one of the problems is to control soil erosion and productivity of these new soils. {T}he caracterization of rainfall in relation to its occurence, quantity, energy, etc. is fundamental. {T}his paper shows the results of the analysis of 4 years of precipitations measured with a pluviograph on the study area, and the processing of these data with soft-wares pertaining to {ORSTOM} ({PLUVIOM} and {ARES}). {I}n spite of the short time of the registrations, we could show that the climate is {C}(w1)(w)-subhumid temperature with an ustic hydric regime in the classification of {K}oeppen modified by {G}. {B}enavides, as other authors have previously showed, but the total precipitation level for the agricultural season is much lower than what was considered: 620mm/year instead of 700/800 mm/year. {W}ith this amount of water, we cannot really expect a very corn high production. {I}n relation to the agressivity of the rain, all the rains give a total value of a {R}us. {D}ue to the very brief duration of the rains, the maximum intensity during 5,10 or 15 minutes should be taken as a reference instead of 30 minutes to calculate the {R} coefficient. {T}he variability of the events is very high during the same year and between years, difficulting the comparison of agronomic studies. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur).}, keywords = {{PRECIPITATION} ; {AGRICULTURE} ; {AGROCLIMATOLOGIE} ; {EROSION} ; {CLIMAT} ; {METHODOLOGIE} ; {VARIATION} {TEMPORELLE} ; {GEOSTATISTIQUE} ; {TEPETATE} ; {ABATTEMENT} {DE} {LA} {PLUIE} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {TEXCOCO}}, numero = {}, pages = {359--370}, booktitle = {{S}uelos volcanicos endurecidos}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010012923}, }