@inproceedings{fdi:010012918, title = {{L}os suelos con cangahua en el {E}cuador}, author = {{Z}ebrowski, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{I}ndurated volcanic soils are located in the {N}orth of the interandean basin. {S}oils are distributed according to a climatic toposequence. {T}he indurated horizons (cangahua) are located in paleosoils. {T}heir hardness is very high in dry areas, at the bottom of the soil sequence, and lower in high altitude areas which are more hunid. {T}he soils with cangahua at less than 20 cm depth cover about 80,000 hectares. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur).}, keywords = {{VOLCANISME} ; {CLIMAT} ; {TOPOSEQUENCE} ; {SOL} ; {INDURATION} ; {CARACTERISTIQUE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {CARACTERISTIQUE} {PHYSIQUE} ; {PYROCLASTITE} ; {PALEOSOL} ; {UNITE} {DE} {PAYSAGE} ; {CANGAHUA} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ANDES}}, numero = {}, pages = {128--137}, booktitle = {{S}uelos volcanicos endurecidos}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010012918}, }