@article{fdi:010012227, title = {{E}stablishment of two cell lines from embryonic cells of {P}ectinophora gossypiella ({L}epidoptera : {G}elichiidae)}, author = {{L}{\'e}ry, {X}avier and {E}l-{T}arras, {A}. and {M}onsarrat, {A}nnie and {A}bol-{E}la, {S}. and {G}iannotti, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}wo cell lines from the most important insect pest of cotton, #{P}ectinophora gossypiella$ {S}., were obtained from an embryonic tissue culture. {T}he cells were cultured in {GRACE}'s modified medium. {T}he first cell line, designated {ORS}-{P}g{S} ({P}g{S}), was obtained by selecting the non-adherent cells during subculturing and consisted of a homogeneous population of rounded cells. {T}he second cell line, designated {ORS}-{P}g{A} ({P}g{A}), obtained without any artificial selection, was a heterogeneous population of spherical and spindle-shaped cells with a great capacity to adhere. {T}he two cell lines had a doubling time of 40 and 48 h respectively and were sub-cultured for more than 50 passages. {T}heir polypeptidic profiles appeared identical but were different from those of other lepidopteran cell lines tested. {T}he two cell lines support the multiplication of #{A}utographa california$ nucleopolyhedrovirus, producing 100000 plaque forming units/ml. {I}n 1 to 2% {P}g{S} cells, polyhedra were synthetized, whereas {P}g{A} cells multiplied only virions. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{INSECTE} {NUISIBLE} ; {COTON} ; {MILIEU} {DE} {CULTURE} ; {VIRUS} {ENTOMOPATHOGENE} ; {CULTURE} {CELLULAIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {E}ntomology and {Z}oology}, volume = {31}, numero = {4}, pages = {557--565}, ISSN = {0003-6862}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010012227}, }