@article{fdi:010012063, title = {{G}enetic structure of the flounders {P}latichthys flesus and {P}. stellatus at different geographic scales}, author = {{B}orsa, {P}hilippe and {B}lanquer, {A}. and {B}errebi, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he genetic structure of the flounders #{P}latichthys flesus$ {L}. and #{P}. stellatus$ {P}allas was investigated on different spatial scales trough analysis of allozyme variation at 7 to 24 polymorphic loci in samples collected from different regions ({B}altic {S}ea, {N}orth {S}ea, {B}rittany, {P}ortugal, western {M}editerranean, {A}driatic {S}ea, {A}egean {S}ea and {J}apan) in 1984 to 1987. {N}o geographic variation was evident within a region. {S}ome pattern of differentiation by distance was infered within the {A}tlantic, while the {M}editerranean comprised three geographically isolated populations and was itself geographycally isolated from the {A}tlantic (fixed allele differences at up to three loci were found among #{P}. flesus$ populations from the {A}tlantic, the western {M}editerranean, the {A}driatic {S}ea, the {A}egean {S}ea and also #{P}. stellatus$ from the coast of {J}apan). {S}ea temperature during the reproductive period probably acts as a barrier to gene flow between populations. {G}enetic distances among {E}uropean flounder populations (#{P}. flesus$) were higher than, or of the same magnitude as, the genetic distance between {P}acific (#{P}. stellatus$) and {E}uropean flounder populations, suggesting that #{P}. flesus$ is paraphyletic and/or there is no phylogenetic basis to recognising #{P}. stellatus$ as a different species. {T}he divergence between #{P}. flesus$ and #{P}. stellatus$ was thus inferred to be more recent than the divergence between the present #{P}. flesus$ populations from the {NE} {A}tlantic and eastern {M}editerranean. {T}he eastern {M}editerranean populations are thought to originate from the colonisation of the {M}editerranean by a proto-#{P}. flesus$/#{P}. stellatus$ ancestor, whereas the present western {M}editerranean population has undergone a more recent colonisation event by #{P}. flesus$... ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{POISSON} {MARIN} ; {ZOOGEOGRAPHIE} ; {POLYMORPHISME} {ENZYMATIQUE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {STRUCTURE} {GENETIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {B}iology}, volume = {129}, numero = {}, pages = {233--246}, ISSN = {0025-3162}, year = {1997}, DOI = {10.1007/s002270050164}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010012063}, }