@article{fdi:010011788, title = {{E}videncias paleoclimaticas em sedimentos neocenozoicos da por{\c{c}}ao centro-leste do estado de {S}ao {P}aulo}, author = {{M}elo, {M}.{S}. de and {C}oimbra, {A}.{M}. and {Y}bert, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {B}randt {N}eto, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{S}tratigraphic studies on {N}eocenozoic continental deposits in the east of the state of {S}ao {P}aulo, southeastern {B}razil, revealed several potential paleoclimatic indicators : buried charcoal and wood pieces ; peat and organic mud layers ; pollen, spore, diatom and sponge population changes ; clay mineral changes. {R}adiocarbon ages of charcoal pieces from colluvial-elluvial sandy-clayey covers and soils ranged from 3950 to 8800 years {BP}, with most samples in the interval between 6500 and 8500 years {BP}. {T}his interval fits with dry climatic phases indicated in southern and southeastern {B}razil by other methods. {T}he charcoal pieces presumably point out fires during {H}olocene dry climatic phases, which could be of short term, as present {E}l {N}ino events, or longer. {I}ncreasing charcoal radiocarbon dating, together with anthracological studies (charcoal taxonomy) and correlation with other paleoclimatic indicators will improve the understanding of fire events and {Q}uaternary paleoclimatic cycles. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{QUATERNAIRE} ; {PALEOCLIMAT} ; {PALEOENVIRONNEMENT} ; {SEDIMENTOLOGIE} ; {BRESIL} ; {SAO} {PAULO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}iencias {E}xatas e da {T}erra}, volume = {2}, numero = {1}, pages = {71--84}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010011788}, }