@inproceedings{fdi:010011224, title = {{E}tude du site d'{E}l {G}ouazine ({T}unisie centrale) par m{\'e}thodes {EM} 31 et {EM} 38}, author = {{M}artir{\'e}, {O}. and {A}lbouy, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{A} geophysical survey has been carried out on the {E}l {G}ouazine site (central {T}unisia). {Q}uantitative interpretation was performed using electrical soundings and qualitative interpretation was realized with {EM} 38 and {EM} 31 data. {I}n this paper, we propose to use the {EM} 38 and {EM} 31 data to perform an 1 {D} inversion. {F}orward modelling is realized by using {M}ac {N}eil formulas, and inversion is achieved by a least squares method. {I}nterpretated profiles has been compared with {DC} recovered resistivities and thickness and led to correct results. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{GEOPHYSIQUE} ; {ELECTROMAGNETISME} ; {SONDAGE} {ELECTRIQUE} ; {RESISTIVITE} ; {TUNISIE} {CENTRE} ; {EL} {GOUAZINE} {REGION}}, numero = {}, pages = {49--52 multigr.}, booktitle = {{G}{\'e}ophysique des sols et des formations superficielles : abstracts et r{\'e}sum{\'e}s {\'e}tendus}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010011224}, }