@inproceedings{fdi:010011223, title = {{A}pport des imageries {\'e}lectriques et radar {\`a} la reconnaissance des couvertures d'alt{\'e}ration, bassin versant de {N}simi ({C}ameroun)}, author = {{D}escloitres, {M}arc and {R}obain, {H}enri and {D}abas, {M}. and {C}amerlynck, {C}. and {A}lbouy, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}he tropical soils systems cover more than 1/3 of the emerged earth. {T}he knowledge of the shallow structures is crucial for the understanding of global pedological functioning of soils. {M}ultifrequency radar and pole-pole multi-electrode {DC} resistivity surveys were conducted here along the 950 meters long main traverse of {N}simi watershed to delineate the main pedological horizons. {T}he results of pole-pole survey are interpreted using {RES}2{DINV} software, which allows a rapid 2-{D} inversion. {T}he resulting image shows the main structures from shallow depth to more than 80 meters deep. {F}eatures like major fault, bedrock topography or altered zones are clearly defined. {I}n order to image the shallower part of the section, the radar and a more detailed electrical section are presented together and compared to dense pedological observations available on this traverse. {I}n the first ten meters, the main radar reflectors at 25 {MH}z and iso-resistivity curves correlate themselves. {T}his allows to give precise indications to the pedologist who can locate more accurately observation pits or borehole investigations as well as to give precise geometrical limits to pedo-hydrogeologic models. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{GEOPHYSIQUE} ; {RADAR} ; {PROFIL} {PEDOLOGIQUE} ; {HORIZON} ; {TYPOLOGIE} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {NSIMI} {BASSIN} {VERSANT}}, numero = {}, pages = {33--37 multigr.}, booktitle = {{G}{\'e}ophysique des sols et des formations superficielles : abstracts et r{\'e}sum{\'e}s {\'e}tendus}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010011223}, }