@article{fdi:010010373, title = {{C}onvergence of molecular and morphological data reveals phylogenetic information on {T}etranychus species and allows the restoration of the genus {A}mphitetranychus ({A}cari : {T}etranychidae)}, author = {{N}avajas, {M}. and {G}utierrez, {J}ean and {G}otoh, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}ucleotide sequence variation and morphological characters were used to study the evolutionary relationships among nine tetranychid mites species. {A} philogenetic study of this family based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit {I} ({COI}) sequences had previously placed the species #{T}etranychus viennensis$ {Z}acher outside the other species analysed in the genus. {P}hylogenetic relations within the genus were re-examined with the addition of the species #{T}etranychus quercivorus$ {E}hara & {G}otoh, which is morphologically close to #{T}. viennensis$. {A}nother region of the genome, the second internal transcribed spacer ({ITS}2) of ribosomal {DNA}, was also studied and proved to be of considerable interest at this taxonomic level. {B}oth {COI} and {ITS}2 sequences indicated a close relationship between #{T}. viennensis$ and #{T}. quercivorus$, which are grouped together and distinct from the other #{T}etranychus$ examined. {T}he two species display morphological characteristics such as the absence of a medio-dorsal spur on all empodia of the legs of both sexes and the presence of anastomosing peritremes. {T}his distinguishes them from the other members of the genus #{T}etranychus$. {T}he convergence of molecular and morphological data suggests that #{T}. viennensis$ and #{T}. quercivorus$ should not be classified in the genus #{T}etranychus$. {I}t is proposed that the genus #{A}mphitetranychus$ {O}udemans should be restored for classification of these species. {F}inally, a key to the {T}etranychini tribe genera with one pair of para-anal setae is presented. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ENTOMOLOGIE} {GENERALE} ; {PHYLOGENIE} ; {BIOLOGIE} {MOLECULAIRE} ; {TAXONOMIE} ; {ADN} ; {MITOCHONDRIE} ; {GENE} ; {DESCRIPTION} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin of {E}ntomological {R}esearch}, volume = {87}, numero = {3}, pages = {283--288}, ISSN = {0007-4853}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010010373}, }