@article{fdi:010010071, title = {{I}nbreeding in the coffee berry borer, {H}ypothenemus hampei ({C}oleoptera : {S}colytidae) estimated from endosulfan resistance phenotype frequencies}, author = {{G}ingerich, {P}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe and {S}uckling, {D}.{M}. and {B}run, {L}uc-{O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n estimate of the inbreeding coefficient, {F}is, of the coffee berry borer, #{H}ypothenemus hampei$ {F}errari, was calculated from genotype frequencies of endosulfan resistance in beetles collected from berries in 41 fields on the {E}ast {C}oast of {N}ew {C}aledonia. {T}wo different estimates were obtained as a function of sampling date : {F}is = 0,491 + ou - 0,059 (s.e.) for samples collected in {S}eptember, and {F}is = 0,215 + ou - 0,108 for samples collected in {A}pril. {T}hese values of {F}is are very high in comparison to those of more insects, but surprisingly low given current understandings of #{H}. hampei$ mating patterns. {T}he difference between {A}pril and {S}eptember {F}is estimates is discussed in terms of insecticide regimes and seasonal variability of sib inbreeding levels. {T}he high level of inbreeding in the coffee berry borer increases frequencies of homozygotes relative to heterozygotes. {I}nbreeding will accelerate resistance evolution whenever the fitness of homozygous resistant insects exceeds that of heterozygotes, and will undermine any high - dose strategy to control resistance evolution. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{INSECTE} {NUISIBLE} ; {PHYTOPHAGE} ; {CAFE} ; {CONSANGUINITE} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {ESSAI} {BIOLOGIQUE} ; {INSECTICIDE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {RESISTANCE} ; {ANALYSE} {STATISTIQUE} ; {HOMOZYGOTE} ; {HETEROZYGOTE} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin of {E}ntomological {R}esearch}, volume = {86}, numero = {}, pages = {667--674}, ISSN = {0007-4853}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010010071}, }