@article{fdi:010009548, title = {{N}eotectonics of the subandes-{B}razilian craton boundary using geomorphological data : the {M}aranon and {B}eni basins}, author = {{D}umont, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ctive and abandoned fluvial traces are used together with neotectonic, seismotectonic and subsurface structural data to study the neotectonic evolution of the {P}eruvian and {B}olivian foreland basins. {T}he {M}aranon {B}asin to the north and the {B}eni {B}asin to the south are located near the ends of the {P}eru-{B}olivia {A}ndean segment. {T}his segment lies above the flat-slab subduction of the {N}azca plate beneath the {A}ndes. {T}he surface of these basins shows a complex network of present-day rivers and fossil river traces. {A} relative chronology of the river traces deduced from morphological criteria allows the identification of successive shifting of fluvial belts up to the present position of the main rivers. {A}s it enters the {U}camara {D}epression, the {U}cayali {R}iver is deflected to the northeast. {S}uccessive shifts of the deflection point are directed upstream along the upper reaches of the river along the foothills. {S}imultaneously the {M}aranon {R}iver is deflected to the north, lining up with the straight, {NE}-trending lower reaches of the {H}uallaga {R}iver. {I}n the central part of the depression the rivers trend northeast-southwest, parallel to the main strike of the basement faults. {T}his regional trend is also parallel to the greatest principal stress observed both to the east and the west of the depression, and to the neotectonic faults on the margin of the {B}razilian craton. {T}he {B}eni {B}asin is characterized by a counterclockwise shift of the {B}eni {R}iver. {S}uccessive shifts of the river involve the northward migration of the deflection point of the {B}eni {R}iver as it enters the basin. {A} fault connected to the foothill margin controls this downstream movement. {R}ecent erosion of the flood plain surface to the east suggests a tendency of the craton margin to ascend. {N}o coaxial stress resulting from either plate motion or from collapse of the {A}ndean topography seems to control the directional shift of rivers in the basins. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{NEOTECTONIQUE} ; {GEOLOGIE} {STRUCTURALE} ; {RESEAU} {HYDROGRAPHIQUE} ; {PALEOENVIRONNEMENT} ; {SISMOTECTONIQUE} ; {PEROU} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES} ; {MARANON} {BASSIN} {SEDIMENTAIRE} ; {BENI} {BASSIN} {SEDIMENTAIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonophysics}, volume = {257}, numero = {}, pages = {137--151}, ISSN = {0040-1951}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1016/0040-1951(95)00200-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010009548}, }