@article{fdi:010009039, title = {{E}valuation of the chemical composition of cameroonian yam germplasm}, author = {{A}gbor-{E}gbe, {T}. and {T}r{\`e}che, {S}erge}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he chemical composition of 98 cultivars belonging to eight yam species extensively grown and consumed in {C}ameroon was evaluated. {D}ue to the fact that statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the means obtained for the variables estimated for #{D}ioscorea cayenensis$ and #{D}. rotundata$ cultivars, these two yam species have been treated in this study as a single species termed #{D}. cayenensis/rotundata$ complex. {O}n the basis of dry matter content, the yam species could be divided into three groups, low (23-25 g/100 g, #{D}. alata$, #{D}. dumetorum$, and #{D}. schimperiana$), intermediate (28-30 g/100 g, #{D}. esculenta and #{D}. bulbifera$), and high (32-37 g/100 g, #{D}. cayenensis/rotundata$ complex and #{D}. liebrechtsiana$). {T}here was a great variability in protein levels among the yam species, which make possible the selection of protein-rich cultivars. {M}ean fat levels were very low (0,1-0,9 g/100 g). {S}tarch contents ranged from a mean value of 70,4 to 72,9 g/100 g, except for #{D}. cayenensis/rotundata$ complex and #{D}. liebrechtsiana$, which had levels higher than 80 g/100 g. #{D}. dumetorum$ tubers had the highest levels of plant cell wall carbohydrates and almost all the minerals analyzed. multivariate analysis has shown that some of the variables estimated and chosen in a stepwise manner could be used with a low probability error to differentiate among cultivars within a yam species. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{IGNAME} ; {CULTIVAR} ; {GERMOPLASME} ; {COMPOSITION} {CHIMIQUE} ; {TABLE} {DE} {COMPOSITION} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {ANALYSE} {MULTIVARIABLE} ; {VALEUR} {NUTRITIONNELLE} ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {F}ood {C}omposition and {A}nalysis}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {274--283}, ISSN = {0889-1575}, year = {1995}, DOI = {10.1006/jfca.1995.1020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010009039}, }