@article{fdi:010008177, title = {{S}tudy of current dynamics of soils from a podzol-oxisol sequence in {T}ahiti ({F}rench {P}olynesia) using the test-mineral technique}, author = {{J}amet, {R}{\'e}mi and {G}uillet, {B}. and {R}obert, {M}. and {R}anger, {J}. and {V}eneau, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he current soil dynamics of a podzol-oxisol climosequence located in {T}ahiti on basaltic and pyroclastic parent rocks has been investigated using the "test-mineral" technique. {T}he test-mineral, a vermiculite with a high exchange capacity (161 meq/100 g) was placed in recoverable bags in the {A} and {B} horizons of three members of the sequence, for periods of 1 to 3.5 years. {C}hanges in the chemistry and mineralogy, enabling complexing acid environments to be distinguished from non-complexing, were determined following the in situ reaction with natural soil leachates. {A} set of leachates from the same horizons were collected and chemically analysed at the end of 3.5 years. {T}he results indicate that the current acid environment is only weakly complexing. {T}his suggests that the podzolisation processes which led to the development of a unique {A}2 horizon containing gibbsite, anatase and rutile, and a placic horizon, in the upper podzol member of the sequence, is no longer operating. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{TOPOSEQUENCE} ; {ROCHE} {VOLCANIQUE} ; {PODZOLISATION} ; {DIFFERENTIATION} {PEDOGENETIQUE} ; {HORIZON} ; {GEOCHIMIE} ; {MINERALOGIE} ; {SOLUTION} {DU} {SOL} ; {TAHITI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoderma}, volume = {73}, numero = {}, pages = {107--124}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1016/0016-7061(96)00040-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010008177}, }