@article{fdi:010008040, title = {{A}nalysis of vessel influence on spatial behaviour of fish schools using a multi-beam sonar and consequences for biomass estimates by echo-sounder}, author = {{S}oria, {M}arc and {F}r{\'e}on, {P}ierre and {G}erlotto, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iases in the measurements of spatial distribution of fish schools and their consequences for school biomass estimates during conventional acoustic surveys are mainly due to vertical and lateral avoidance of the vessel. {I}n this paper, we quantify school avoidance during an acoustic survey carried out from 10 to 29 {M}ay 1994 in the {C}atalan {S}ea. {F}rom a lateral multi-beam sonar the geometric characteristics (depth, length, width, height, surface, and volume) of 1268 schools were obtained. {T}he 60 beams (1.5° {X} 15°) of the sonar scanned a vertical plane from 0° to 90°, perpendicular to the vessel path within a range of 100 m. {W}ithin this plane, the projected area ensonified by the echo-sounder used aboard for acoustic evaluation was evaluated to simulate a comparison between the sonar and the echo-sounder. {T}he results have enabled us to improve our knowledge on the vertical and lateral avoidance patterns of schools in relation to their size, external structure, and their position in the water column, and to quantify the vessel influence on biomass estimated by echo-sounder. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{POISSON} {MARIN} ; {ESPECE} {PELAGIQUE} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {ESTIMATION} {DE} {STOCK} ; {SONAR} ; {BANC} {DE} {POISSONS} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{ICES} {J}ournal of {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {53}, numero = {}, pages = {453--458}, ISSN = {1054-3139}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1006/jmsc.1996.0064}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010008040}, }