@article{fdi:010007944, title = {{G}enetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency viruses from west {A}frican green monkeys : evidence of multiple genotypes within populations from the same geographical locale}, author = {{B}ibollet-{R}uche, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {B}rengues, {C}{\'e}cile and {G}alat {L}uong, {A}nh and {G}alat, {G}{\'e}rard and {P}ourrut, {X}avier and {V}idal, {N}icole and {V}eas, {F}rancisco and {D}urand, {J}.{P}. and {C}uny, {G}{\'e}rard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}igh simian immunodeficiency virus ({SIV}) seroprevalence rates have been reported in the different green monkey ({AGM}) subspecies. {G}enetic diversity of these viruses far exceeds the diversity observed in the other lentivirus-infected human and nonhuman primates and is thought to reflect ancient introduction of {SIV} in the {AGM} population. {W}e investigate here genetic diversity of {SIV}agm in wild-living {AGM} populations from the same geographical locale (i.e., sympatric population) in {S}enegal. {F}or 11 new strains, we {PCR} amplified and sequenced two regions of the genome spanning the first tat exon and part of the transmembrane glycoprotein. {P}hylogenetic analysis of these sequences shows that viruses found in sympatric populations cluster into distinct lineages, with at least two distinct genotypes in each troop. {T}hese data strongly suggest an ancient introduction of these divergent viruses in the {AGM} population. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{VIROSE} ; {AGENT} {PATHOGENE} ; {POLYMORPHISME} {GENETIQUE} ; {GENETIQUE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {HOTE} {VERTEBRE} ; {SINGE} ; {PHYLOGENIE} ; {SIV}.{SIMIAN} {IMMUNODEFICIENCY} {VIRUS} ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}irology}, volume = {71}, numero = {1}, pages = {307--313}, ISSN = {0022-538{X}}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007944}, }