@article{fdi:010007851, title = {{S}era from {T}rypanosoma b. gambiense infected patients cross-react with a {T}rypanosoma cruzi recombinant protein}, author = {{G}uevara, {A}.{G}. and {T}aibi, {A}. and {B}illaut-{M}ulot, {O}. and {L}emesre, {J}ean-{L}oup and {O}uaissi, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n previous studies, we and others have shown utility of a 24-k{D}a #{T}rypanosoma cruzi$ recombinant antigen (r{T}c24) for serological diagnosis of {C}hagas' disease. {A}lso, this molecule has been proved useful to evaluate cure of chagasic patients who submit to specific treatment. {H}owever, in all the studies done so far, the 24-k{D}a protein was used as a fusion with a {G}luthatione-{S}-transferase ({GST}) of #{S}chistosoma japonicum$, therefore, parallel assays to determine the anti-{GST} responses of all sera were required to deduce the {GST} noise in serological tests. {H}ere, we show the subcloning by polymerase chain reaction of the c{DNA} encoding the #{T}. cruzi$ 24-k{D}a antigen in a vector system (p{QE}) allowing us to obtain {T}c24 recombinant protein as a single molecule. {T}he highly reactivity of chagasic sera from {C}olombia, {E}cuador, {B}razil and {B}olivia in {ELISA} against the recombinant antigen is confirmed. {H}owever, sera from patients infected with {A}frican trypanosomes recognize r{T}c24 in {ELISA} and blot. {T}he relevance of these findings in the context of {C}hagas' disease diagnosis and/or the relationship with {A}frican trypanosomes is analyzed. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ANTIGENE} ; {CLONE} ; {TRYPANOSOMIASE} {HUMAINE} ; {PCR}.{REACTION} {DE} {POLYMERISATION} {EN} {CHAINE} ; {PROTEINE} {RECOMBINANTE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}emorias do {I}nstituto {O}swaldo {C}ruz}, volume = {91}, numero = {no sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {255}, ISSN = {0074-0276}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007851}, }