@incollection{fdi:010007750, title = {{F}isheries}, author = {{E}verett, {J}.{T}. and {K}rovnin, {A}. and {L}luch-{B}elda, {D}. and {O}kemwa, {E}. and {R}egier, {H}.{A}. and {T}roadec, {J}ean-{P}aul and {B}inet, {D}enis and {B}olton {H}.{S}. and {C}allendar, {R}. and {C}lark, {S}. and {E}verson, {I}. and {F}iske, {S}. and {F}littner, {G}. and {G}lantz, {M}. and {G}lova, {G}.{J}. and {G}rimes, {C}. and {H}are, {J}. and {H}inckley, {D}. and {M}c{D}owall, {B}. and {M}c{V}ey, {J}. and {M}ethot, {R}. and {M}ountain, {D}. and {N}icol, {S}. and {P}aul, {L}. and {P}ark, {R}. and {P}oinier, {I}. and {R}ichey, {J}. and {S}harp, {G}. and {S}herman, {K}. and {S}ibley, {T}. and {T}hresher, {R}. and {W}elch, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{PECHE} ; {AQUACULTURE} ; {ESTIMATION} {DE} {STOCK} ; {FACTEUR} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {TEMPERATURE} ; {NIVEAU} {DE} {L}'{EAU} ; {COURANT} {MARIN} ; {SALINITE} ; {UPWELLING} ; {EL} {NINO} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {CYCLONE} {TROPICAL}}, booktitle = {{C}limate change 1995 : impacts, adaptation and mitigation of climate change : scientific-technical analysis, contribution of the working group {II} to the second assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change}, numero = {}, pages = {511--537}, address = {{C}ambridge}, publisher = {{C}ambridge {U}niversity {P}ress}, series = {}, year = {1996}, ISBN = {0-521-56437-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007750}, }