@article{fdi:010007712, title = {{G}rowth of human immunodeficiency type 1-infected and unifected children : a prospective cohort study in {K}igali, {R}wanda, 1988 to 1993}, author = {{L}epage, {P}. and {M}sellati, {P}hilippe and {H}itimana, {D}.{G}. and {B}azubagira, {A}. and {V}an {G}oethem, {C}. and {S}imonon, {A}. and {K}arita, {E}. and {D}equae-{M}erchadou, {L}. and {V}an de {P}erre, {P}. and {D}abis, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o compare the anthropometric characteristics of children with an without {HIV}-1 infection. {I}n a prospective cohort study of 218 children born to {HIV}-1 seropositive mothers and 218 children born to {HIV}-1 seronegative mothers in {K}igali, {R}wanda, 3 groups were compared : infected children (n = 46), uninfected children born to seropositive mothers (n = 140), and uninfected children born to seronegative mothers (n = 207). {W}eight, height and head circumference were measured at birth, every 3 months during the first year of life and every 6 months thereafter. {T}he weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height and head circumference-for-age mean z scores were calculated. {T}he weight-for-age, height-for-age and head circumference-for-age mean z scores were lower among {HIV}-infected children than among uninfected ones at each time period. {T}he reduction in the weight-for-age mean z score was the greatest between 12 and 36 months of age. {O}n the other hand the weight-for-height mean z score was not consistently lower in {HIV}-infected children when compared with uninfected ones. {T}he anthropometric characteristics of uninfected children born to seropositive mothers were similar to those of children born to seronegative mothers. {I}n this study, {HIV}-infected children were more frequently stunted (low heigh-for-age) than uninfected ones. {W}asting (low weight-for-height) was not common among {HIV}-infected children. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {EPIDEMIOLOGIE} ; {CROISSANCE} ; {NOUVEAU} {NE} ; {NOURRISSON} ; {ENFANT} {D}'{AGE} {PRESCOLAIRE} ; {ANTHROPOMETRIE} ; {VIRUS} {HIV}-1 ; {TRANSMISSION} {FOETOMATERNELLE} ; {RWANDA} ; {KIGALI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ediatric {I}nfectious {D}isease {J}ournal}, volume = {15}, numero = {6}, pages = {479--485}, ISSN = {0891-3668}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007712}, }