@article{fdi:010007538, title = {{D}etermination and validation of average wind fields from {ERS}-1 scatterometer measurements}, author = {{B}entamy, {A}. and {Q}uilfen, {Y}. and {G}ohin, {F}. and {G}rima, {N}. and {L}enaour, {M}. and {S}ervain, {J}acques}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} geostatistic method, known as the kriging method is employed to produce a gridded wind field using {ERS}-1 scatterometer-retrieved wind vectors. {T}he method, which differs from the classical interpolation methods, makes use of spatial and temporal empirical structure functions for wind speed, eastward wind component u and northward wind component v, and the {G}auss-{M}arkov theorem to objectively analyze this vector field and yields an expression for the variance error expected in this estimate. {T}he stationarity assumptions needed to apply the kriging method are tested statistically. {R}esultant three-, seven- and ten-day average wind fields computed over the tropical region indicate that the method reproduces large and small-scale features. {T}he accuracy of the gridded wind fields is determined by comparisons with three-day averages calculated from {E}uropean {C}entre for {M}edium-range {W}eather {F}orecasts ({ECMWF}) wind vector analysis, with ten-day averages derived from ship measurements over the tropical {A}tlantic, and with seven-day averages computed from moored-buoy wind measurements, which were recorded by {P}acific {M}arine {E}nvironmental {L}aboratory ({PMEL}) in the {P}acific ocean. {I}n all cases, there is good agreement between the data sets. {T}he rms values of the difference between satellite and numerical analysis, ship and buoy-derived wind fields are 1.67 m/s, 1.17 m/s and 1.05 m/s, respectively. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{TELEDETECTION} {SPATIALE} ; {SATELLITE} {ERS}1 ; {INTERACTION} {OCEAN} {ATMOSPHERE} ; {VENT} ; {TRAITEMENT} {DE} {DONNEES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal {A}tmosphere and {O}cean {S}ystem}, volume = {4}, numero = {}, pages = {1--29}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007538}, }