@article{fdi:010007085, title = {{A}ntiprotozoal activity of jatrogrossidione from {J}atropha grossidentata and jatrophone from {J}atropha isabellii}, author = {{S}chmeda-{H}irschmann, {G}. and {R}azmilic, {I}. and {S}auvain, {M}ichel and {M}oretti, {C}hristian and {M}unoz, {V}. and {R}uiz, {E}. and {B}alanza, {E}. and {F}ournet, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he activity of jatrogrossidione, the main diterpene of #{J}atropha grossidentata$ and jatrophone from #{J}atropha isabellii$ was determined against #{L}eishmania$ and #{T}rypanosoma cruzi$ strains in vitro as well as against #{L}eishmania amazonensis$ in vivo. {J}atrogrossidione showed a strong in vitro leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activity with {IC}100 of 0.75 and 1.5-5.0 microg/m{L}, respectively. {U}nder similar conditions, the {IC}100 of glucantime, ketoconazole and pentamidine towards #{L}eishmania$ strains were >100, 50-100 and 1 microg/m{L}, respectively. {T}he {IC}50 of jatrogrossidione was <0.25 microg/m{L} against amastigote forms of #{L}eishmania$ infecting macrophages, with toxicity at concentrations higher than 0.5 microg/m{L}. {BALB}/c mice infected with #{L}. amazonensis$ strain {PH} 8 were treated 24 h after infection with jatrogrossidione and jatrophone for 13 consecutive days. {J}atrophone at 25 mg/kg/day subcutaneously administered was significantly active (p<0.05) against the virulent strain {PH} 8 of #{L}. amazonensis$ ; it was more active than glucantime at 112 mg {S}b per kg/day. {S}ubcutaneous administration of jatrophone, however, proved to be too toxic under our assay conditions. {A}ssays of single local treatment on the footpad infection 2 weeks after inoculation of #{L}. amazonensis$ indicated that jatrogrossidione and jatrophone were inactive at the selected doses. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{LEISHMANIOSE} ; {MALADIE} {DE} {CHAGAS} ; {PARASITE} ; {TRAITEMENT} {MEDICAL} ; {LUTTE} ; {PLANTE} {MEDICINALE} ; {MEDICAMENT} ; {ETHNOMEDECINE} ; {COMPOSE} {ORGANIQUE} ; {EXTRACTION} ; {TERPENE} ; {JATROGROSSIDIONE} ; {JATROPHONE} ; {ACTIVITE} {ANTIPROTOZOAIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytotherapy {R}esearch}, volume = {10}, numero = {}, pages = {375--378}, ISSN = {0951-418{X}}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1002/({SICI})1099-1573(199608)10:5<375::{AID}-{PTR}847>3.0.{CO};2-#}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007085}, }