@article{fdi:010006640, title = {{C}haracterization of a single clonal lineage of {F}usarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis causing {B}ayoud disease of date palm in {M}orocco}, author = {{T}antaoui, {A}. and {O}uinten, {M}ohamed and {G}eiger, {J}ean-{P}aul and {F}ernandez, {D}iana}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ayoud, the #{F}usarium$ wilt of date palm, was first detectd in southern {M}orocco ({D}raa {V}alley), after which it spread to most of the {M}oroccan pal groves. {T}o assess whether the epidemic results from the spread of a single virulent clone, 42 isolats of #{F}usarium oxysporum$ f. sp. #albedinis$ were collected from several cultivars of wilted palms at different locations in {M}orocco ; two isolates were included from {A}lgeria, where the disease also occurs. {T}he isolates were tested for vegetative compatibility group ({VCG}), restriction fragment length polymorphism ({RFLP}), and random amplified polymorphic {DNA} ({RAPD}). {N}o polymorphism was observed either in {RFLP} studies on mitochondrial {DNA} or in {RAPD} analysis, and all strains belonged to a single {VCG} (0170). {S}equences homologous to the {DNA} transposable element {F}ot1 were found in the genome of the #{F}. oxysporum$ f. sp. #albedinis$ strains. {R}epetitive {DNA} patterns were produced when {E}co{RI}-digested {DNA} of the isolates was probed with {F}ot1 ; 23 distinct hybridization patterns were established among the 44 isolates. {O}f these patterns, 4 accounted for more than 50 % of the isolates, 1 was found twice, and 18 were represented by a single isolate each. {C}ommon hybridization patterns were found in the {M}oroccan palm groves surveyed ; the two {A}lgerian isolates had a pattern that also was found in the {D}raa {V}alley. {C}luster analysis grouped most of the #{F}. oxysporum$ f. sp. #albedinis$ strains at a genetic distance of 0.11. {S}uch close genetic relationships between the isolates provides evidence that {M}oroccan #{F}. oxysporum$ f. sp. #albedinis$ populations may belong to a single clonal lineage that originated in {M}oroccan palm groves and eventually reached the {A}lgerian oases. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{CHAMPIGNON} {PARASITE} ; {VARIABILITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {HYBRIDATION} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {PALMIER} ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytopathology}, volume = {86}, numero = {7}, pages = {787--792}, ISSN = {0031-949{X}}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1094/{P}hyto-86-787}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010006640}, }