@article{fdi:010006554, title = {{D}etection of maize yellow stripe tenui-like virus by {ELISA} and dot- blot tests in host plants and leafhopper vector in {E}gypt}, author = {{M}ahmoud, {A}. and {T}houvenel, {J}ean-{C}laude and {A}bol-{E}la, {S}.{E}. and {S}ewify, {G}.{H}. and {A}mmar, {E}.{D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ntisera to the nucleoprotein of maize yellow stripe tenui-like virus ({MYSV}) were produced and used for detection of this virus in several host plants and vector leafhoppers in {E}gypt. {D}ot-blot and direct antigen coating ({DAC}) {ELISA} were used to detect {MYSV} in naturally or experimentally infected maize, wheat, barley, oats, and the graminaceous weeds #{B}romus wildenowii$, #{C}enchrus biflorus$, #{D}ichanthium annulatum$, #{D}igitaria sanguinalis$, #{E}chinochloa colonum$, #{S}etaria verticillata$ and #{S}. viridis$. {I}n maize leaves, differences in virus titer appeared to be correlated with leaf age and with {MYSV} symptom-types. {D}ot-blot and {DAC}-{ELISA} were used also to detect {MYSV} in naturally or experimentally infective leafhoppers (#{C}icadulina chinai$). ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MALADIE} {DES} {PLANTES} ; {VIROLOGIE} ; {PROTEINE} ; {IMMUNOLOGIE} ; {SEROLOGIE} ; {EGYPTE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytopathologia {M}editerranea}, volume = {35}, numero = {1}, pages = {19--23}, ISSN = {0031-9465}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010006554}, }