@incollection{fdi:010005518, title = {{L}a di{\'e}t{\'e}tique m{\'e}dicale arabo-islamique {\`a} travers les trait{\'e}s arabes anciens et la pratique actuelle au {M}aroc}, author = {{B}ellakhdar, {J}. and {Y}ounos, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we take up to analysing, through study of a moroccan manuscript in dietetics, the {I}bn {C}haqrun's {U}rjuzah ({XVIII}th century), and through actual moroccan traditions in the matter of foods and nutritional rules, some main principles of {A}rabo-{I}slamic dietetics, and particularly : the classification of foods in accordance with theory of humours; the notion of corrective effects exerted by some foods and drugs. {M}oreover, we have recognized the five principal dietetical systems developed by {A}rabo-{I}slamic physicians : dietetics of physic and sexual performance, dietetics of traveller, dietetics of temperance and sobriety including mystic abstinence and nomadic way of life, dietetics of intelligence and memory, medical dietetics proper. {A}t last, we have studied close relationships existing among {A}rabs in general, and {M}oroccan people especially, between dietetics and culinary art, through some examples. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{DIETETIQUE} ; {ISLAM} ; {ALIMENT} ; {HYGIENE} {ALIMENTAIRE} ; {ALIMENT} {TRADITIONNEL} ; {PREPARATION} {CULINAIRE} ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {{M}{\'e}dicaments et aliments : approche ethnopharmacologique = {M}edicines and foods : ethnopharmacological approach}, numero = {}, pages = {43--52}, address = {{P}aris ({FRA}) ; {M}etz}, publisher = {{ORSTOM} ; {SFE}}, series = {{C}olloques et {S}{\'e}minaires}, year = {1996}, ISBN = {2-7099-1320-8}, ISSN = {0767-2896}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010005518}, }