@article{fdi:010005230, title = {{R}educing the oral quinine-quinidine-cinchonin ({Q}uinimax) treatment of uncomplicated malaria to three days does not increase the recurrence of attacks among children living in a highly endemic area of {S}enegal}, author = {{R}ogier, {C}. and {B}rau, {R}. and {T}all, {A}. and {C}isse, {B}. and {T}rape, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} 3 d shortened course of the quinine-quinidine-cinchonin association {Q}uinimax (trademark) was compared to the usual 7 d regimen for routinely treating 462 acute uncomplicated #{P}lasmodium falciparum$ malaria attacks in 72 children under the age of 10 years in {D}ielmo, a holoendemic village in {S}enegal. 25 mg/kg {Q}uinimax (trademark) salt daily, given in 3 equal doses, improved clinical status in 99.6% of the patients receiving the course and in all of those treated for 7 d. {E}ven if the 3 d course did not systematically eliminate parasitaemia, reducing oral {Q}uinimax (trademark) treatment of uncomplicated malaria from 7 to 3 d did not increase the recurrence of attacks, even among the youngest children. {B}oth the quinine sensitivity of the {S}enegalese strains of #{P}. falciparum$ and the partial acquired immunity of the children were probably responsible for the absence of any difference between the courses. {O}ral {Q}uinimax (trademark) for 3 d is a possible alternative regimen to chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for treating uncomplicated malaria in highly endemic areas of {A}frica where clinical resistance to these drugs exists. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {CHIMIOPROPHYLAXIE} ; {TRAITEMENT} {MEDICAL} ; {SENSIBILITE} {RESISTANCE} ; {EFFICACITE} ; {ENFANT} ; {QUININE} ; {QUINIDINE} ; {CINCHONINE} ; {QUINIMAX} ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ransactions of the {R}oyal {S}ociety of {T}ropical {M}edicine and {H}ygiene}, volume = {90}, numero = {2}, pages = {175--178}, ISSN = {0035-9203}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}0035-9203(96)90128-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010005230}, }