@article{fdi:010005228, title = {{A} polymerase chain reaction assay to determine infection of {A}edes polynesiensis by {W}uchereria bancrofti}, author = {{N}icolas, {L}. and {L}uquiaud, {P}. and {L}ardeux, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {M}ercer, {D}.{R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he sensitivity of a previously described polymerase chain reaction ({PCR}) assay was improved to detect a single mosquito, infected by as few as 1-2 microfilariae of #{W}uchereria bancrofti$, among 20-50 uninfected mosquitoes. {W}ild-caught #{A}edes polynesiensis$ were used to compare assessment of infection by dissection of individuals with the {PCR} assay of pools of mosquitoes. {T}he {PCR} assay was at least as sensitive as dissection for detection of mosquitoes infected with #{W}. bancrofti$. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{FILARIOSE} {LYMPHATIQUE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {DEPISTAGE} ; {TEST} ; {AGENT} {PATHOGENE} ; {PCR}.{REACTION} {DE} {POLYMERISATION} {EN} {CHAINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ransactions of the {R}oyal {S}ociety of {T}ropical {M}edicine and {H}ygiene}, volume = {90}, numero = {2}, pages = {136--139}, ISSN = {0035-9203}, year = {1996}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}0035-9203(96)90113-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010005228}, }