Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Flaux C., Save S., Scrinzi M., Larousse N. M., Vaschalde C., Renaud A., Tillier M., Guihou A., Deschamps Pierre, Veron A. (2023). Roman-era alluvial waste in the Vistre de la Fontaine (Nimes, southeast France) : from a sacred spring to a contaminated river. Journal of Roman Archaeology, [Early access], PII S1047759423000132 [ p.]. ISSN 1047-7594.

Titre du document
Roman-era alluvial waste in the Vistre de la Fontaine (Nimes, southeast France) : from a sacred spring to a contaminated river
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:001007761200001
Flaux C., Save S., Scrinzi M., Larousse N. M., Vaschalde C., Renaud A., Tillier M., Guihou A., Deschamps Pierre, Veron A.
Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2023, [Early access], PII S1047759423000132 [ p.] ISSN 1047-7594
The excavation of a palaeochannel at the Vistre de la Fontaine 2-2 archaeological site, 3 km downstream from the ancient city of Nimes (southeastern France), provided an accumulation sequence covering the last 2,500 years. Trace metal analyses of these alluvial sediments disclosed lead (Pb) contamination during the Early Roman Empire, with concentrations close to 1,000 ppm, a factor of 100 above the local geochemical background. This excess of Pb shows a uniform isotopic signature that may reflect unchanged ore sources, perhaps from the Massif Central or from Great Britain. The Pb peak accompanied visible waste that was transported in the sediments of the Vistre de la Fontaine at the time of the development of the Nimes urban water supply and drainage network during the Early Roman Empire. This research shows the bimillennial persistence of palaeo-contamination in a peri-urban alluvial plain and the relevance of fluvial sedimentary archives in documenting ancient waste.
Plan de classement
Pollution [038] ; Hydrologie [062] ; Sociétés, développement culturel [112]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD
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