@article{PAR00018851, title = {{L}oss of {CG} methylation in {M}archantia polymorpha causes disorganization of cell division and reveals unique {DNA} methylation regulatory mechanisms of non-{CG} methylation}, author = {{I}keda, {Y}. and {N}ishihama, {R}. and {Y}amaoka, {S}. and {A}rteaga-{V}azquez, {M}. {A}. and {A}guilar-{C}ruz, {A}. and {G}rimanelli, {D}aniel and {P}ogorelcnik, {R}. and {M}artienssen, {R}. {A}. and {Y}amato, {K}. {T}. and {K}ohchi, {T}. and {H}irayama, {T}. and {M}athieu, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{DNA} methylation is an epigenetic mark that ensures silencing of transposable elements ({TE}s) and affects gene expression in many organisms. {T}he function of different {DNA} methylation regulatory pathways has been largely characterized in the model plant {A}rabidopsis thaliana. {H}owever, far less is known about {DNA} methylation regulation and functions in basal land plants. {H}ere we focus on the liverwort {M}archantia polymorpha, an emerging model species that represents a basal lineage of land plants. {W}e identified {M}p{MET}, the {M}. polymorpha ortholog of the {METHYLTRANSFERASE} 1 ({MET}1) gene required for maintenance of methylation at {CG} sites in angiosperms. {W}e generated {M}pmet mutants using the {CRISPR}/{C}as9 (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/{CRISPR}-associated protein9) system, which showed a significant loss of {CG} methylation and severe morphological changes and developmental defects. {T}he mutants developed many adventitious shoot-like structures, suggesting that {M}p{MET} is required for maintaining differentiated cellular identities in the gametophyte. {E}ven though numerous {TE}s were up-regulated, non{CG} methylation was generally highly increased at {TE}s in the {M}pmet mutants. {C}loser inspection of {CHG} methylation revealed features unique to {M}. polymorpha. {M}ethylation of {CCG} sites in {M}. polymorpha does not depend on {MET}1, unlike in {A}. thaliana and {P}hyscomitrella patens. {O}ur results highlight the diversity of non-{CG} methylation regulatory mechanisms in plants.}, keywords = {{DNA} methylation ; {DNA} methyltransferase ; {M}archantia polymorpha ; {RNA}-directed {DNA} methylation ; {T}ransposable elements}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant and {C}ell {P}hysiology}, volume = {59}, numero = {12}, pages = {2421--2431}, ISSN = {0032-0781}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1093/pcp/pcy161}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00018851}, }