@article{PAR00015367, title = {{M}olecular history of plague}, author = {{D}rancourt, {M}. and {R}aoult, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}lague, a deadly zoonose caused by the bacterium {Y}ersinia pestis, has been firmly documented in 39 historical burial sites in {E}urasia that date from the {B}ronze {A}ge to two historical pandemics spanning the 6th to 18th centuries. {P}alaeomicrobiologic data, including gene and spacer sequences, whole genome sequences and protein data, confirmed that two historical pandemics swept over {E}urope from probable {A}sian sources and possible two-way-ticket journeys back from {E}urope to {A}sia. {T}hese investigations made it possible to address questions regarding the potential sources and routes of transmission by completing the standard rodent and rodenteflea transmission scheme. {T}his suggested that plague was transmissible by human ectoparasites such as lice, and that {Y}. pestis was able to persist for months in the soil, which is a source of reinfection for burrowing mammals. {T}he analyses of seven complete genome sequences from the {B}ronze {A}ge indicated that {Y}. pestis was probably not an ectoparasite-borne pathogen in these populations. {F}urther analyses of 14 genomes indicated that the {J}ustinian pandemic strains may have formed a clade distinct from the one responsible for the second pandemic, spanning in {Y}. pestis branch 1, which also comprises the third pandemic strains. {F}urther palaeomicrobiologic studies must tightly connect with historical and anthropologic studies to resolve questions regarding the actual sources of plague in ancient populations, alternative routes of transmission and resistance traits. {A}nswering these questions will broaden our understanding of plague epidemiology so we may better face the actuality of this deadly infection in countries where it remains epidemic.}, keywords = {{H}istory ; {P}alaeomicrobiology ; {P}andemia ; {P}lague ; {Y}ersinia pestis ; {EUROPE} ; {ASIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linical {M}icrobiology and {I}nfection}, volume = {22}, numero = {11}, pages = {911--915}, ISSN = {1198-743{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cmi.2016.08.031}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015367}, }