@article{PAR00015358, title = {{F}orest-savannah dynamics on the {A}damawa plateau ({C}entral {C}ameroon) during the "{A}frican humid period" termination : a new high-resolution pollen record from {L}ake {T}izong}, author = {{L}ebamba, {J}. and {V}incens, {A}. and {L}ezine, {A}nne-{M}arie and {M}archant, {R}. and {B}uchet, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ue to its transitional position, located between the {G}uineo-{C}ongolian rain forest and the {S}udanian savannah, the {A}damawa plateau of central {C}ameroon is ideally situated to record how forest and savannah composition and distribution responded to changes in climate and human interactions during the {H}olocene. {W}e present a 4000-yr old pollen sequence derived from the {L}ake {T}izong sediments (7 degrees 15'{N}, 13 degrees 35'{E}, 1160 m a.s.1) analysed at high-resolution (50 year intervals) that extends from the end of the {A}frican {H}umid {P}eriod to the present day. {T}he last 4000 years represents a critical period for understanding the environmental history of the region as it covers the period when people started to have strong impact on the surrounding ecosystems. {T}he pollen sequence distinguishes two short-duration forested phases that lasted between ca. 3900 and 3000 cal yr {BP}, and ca. 1900 and 1450 cal yr {BP}; these were against a backdrop of overall forest degradation from the mid-{H}olocene. {A} critical ecological threshold occurred around 3000 cal yr {BP} when {P}oaceae reached higher percentages than forest taxa, and savannah was established until the present day with a brief expansion of lowland semi-deciduous forest, dominated by {M}yrianthus arboreus-type, between ca. 1000 and 700 cal. yr {BP}. {A}lthough, human impacts and climatic factors driving vegetation change are difficult to differentiate, the late {H}olocene on the {A}damawa plateau was characterized by a variable climate that resulted in significant vegetation transitions.}, keywords = {{L}ate {H}olocene ; {F}orest ; {W}est {A}frica ; {B}iomisation ; {H}uman-ecosystem interactions ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}eview of {P}alaeobotany and {P}alynology}, volume = {235}, numero = {}, pages = {129--139}, ISSN = {0034-6667}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.10.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015358}, }