@article{PAR00015231, title = {{R}ay-theoretical modeling of secondary microseism {P} waves}, author = {{F}arra, {V}. and {S}tutzmann, {E}. and {G}ualtieri, {L}. and {S}chimmel, {M}. and {A}rdhuin, {F}abrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}econdary microseism sources are pressure fluctuations close to the ocean surface. {T}hey generate acoustic {P} waves that propagate in water down to the ocean bottom where they are partly reflected and partly transmitted into the crust to continue their propagation through the {E}arth. {W}e present the theory for computing the displacement power spectral density of secondary microseism {P} waves recorded by receivers in the far field. {I}n the frequency domain, the {P}-wave displacement can be modeled as the product of (1) the pressure source, (2) the source site effect that accounts for the constructive interference of multiply reflected {P} waves in the ocean, (3) the propagation from the ocean bottom to the stations and (4) the receiver site effect. {S}econdary microseism {P} waves have weak amplitudes, but they can be investigated by beamforming analysis. {W}e validate our approach by analysing the seismic signals generated by typhoon {I}oke (2006) and recorded by the {S}outhern {C}alifornia {S}eismic {N}etwork. {B}ackprojecting the beam onto the ocean surface enables to follow the source motion. {T}he observed beam centroid is in the vicinity of the pressure source derived from the ocean wave model {WAVEWATCH} {IIIR}. {T}he pressure source is then used for modeling the beam and a good agreement is obtained between measured and modeled beam amplitude variation over time. {T}his modeling approach can be used to invert {P}-wave noise data and retrieve the source intensity and lateral extent.}, keywords = {{S}eismic interferometry ; {B}ody waves ; {S}eismic noise ; {W}ave propagation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {J}ournal {I}nternational}, volume = {206}, numero = {3}, pages = {1730--1739}, ISSN = {0956-540{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1093/gji/ggw242}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015231}, }