@article{PAR00015227, title = {{F}unctional characterisation of eel dopamine d-2 receptors and involvement in the direct inhibition of pituitary gonadotrophins}, author = {{J}olly, {C}. and {R}ousseau, {K}. and {P}rezeau, {L}. and {V}ol, {C}. and {T}omkiewicz, {J}. and {D}ufour, {S}ylvie and {P}asqualini, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n various vertebrate species, dopamine ({DA}) exerts an inhibitory action on reproduction. {I}n the {E}uropean eel, {DA} plays a pivotal role in the inhibitory control of gonadotroph function and the blockade of puberty. {I}n vivo studies have suggested that this effect is mediated by receptors pharmacologically related to the {D}-2 family. {I}n the {E}uropean eel, two distinct {D}-2 receptor ({D}2-{R}) paralogous genes have been identified ({D}2{A}-{R} and {D}2{B}-{R}) and both were shown to be expressed in the pituitary. {W}e investigated the potential role of each paralogue in the control of gonadotroph function in this species. {E}el recombinant {D}2{A}-{R} or {D}2{B}-{R} were expressed in {HEK} 293 cells, with a universal {G} alpha subunit, and receptor activation was followed by inositol phosphate production. {R}ecombinant {D}2-{R}s exhibited a comparable affinity for {DA}, although they had differential affinities for mammalian {D}2-{R} agonists and antagonists, supporting subtle structure/activity differences. {F}urthermore, using eel pituitary cell primary cultures, the expression by gonadotroph cells of both native eel {D}2-{R} paralogues was examined by in situ hybridisation of {D}2{A}-{R} or {D}2{B}-{R} transcripts, coupled with immunofluorescence of luteinising hormone ({LH})beta or follicle-stimulating ({FSH})beta. {LH} and to a lesser extent, {FSH} cells expressed both {D}2-{R} transcripts but with a clear predominance of {D}2{B}-{R}. {N}otably, {D}2{B}-{R} transcripts were detected for the majority of {LH} cells. {A}ccordingly, using these cultures, we showed that {DA} potently inhibited basal and testosterone-stimulated {LH} beta expression and less potently basal and activin-stimulated {FSH} beta expression. {W}e also tested some {D}2-{R} antagonists, aiming to select the most adequate one to be used in innovative protocols for induction of eel sexual maturation. {W}e identified eticlopride as the most potent inhibitor of {DA} action on basal and stimulated {LH} expression in vitro. {O}ur data suggest a differential functionalisation of the duplicated receptor genes and demonstrate that mainly {D}2{B}-{R} is involved in the dopaminergic inhibitory control of eel gonadotroph function.}, keywords = {dopamine receptors ; {LH} ; {FSH} ; pituitary cells ; teleost ; {A}nguilla}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {N}euroendocrinology}, volume = {28}, numero = {9}, pages = {}, ISSN = {0953-8194}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/jne.12411}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00015227}, }